Our Commitment
We choose to partner up with Tree Nation, an organization dedicated to recovering some of the most deforested areas in the world. Tree Nation works closely with local communities providing jobs and assuring that the traditional relationship of these communities with their natural environment remains assured for the next generations. Many of the trees that are planted provide not only food for local wildlife and promote biodiversity, but also play a pivotal role on local cultures as a source of medicine, natural fibers for traditional crafts and construction materials.

Partnering up with Tree Nation
Our commitment is very simple and straightforward. For every book that we sell, we will plant a tree! Following the project completion, the trees will be planted with the collaboration of Tree Nation. Each of our supporters will first receive a confirmation email from us with details on your order. A little later you will receive a separate email from Tree-Nation with the title Monochrome Books offered you a tree on Tree-Nation’, where you can find all the information regarding the real tree: the specific details, its location and a link to the tree certificate.

How it works
At Monochrome Books, we strongly believe that the economic activity of a company should not have a negative impact on the environment. As we started a publishing project, we knew that this was not going to be easy, as books have a strong direct relation with the use of trees as the raw material for the production of paper. Nevertheless, we are strongly motivated to have a positive impact and to make sure that our actions will not damage the environment and the future of new generations. We want to ensure that our children and grandchildren will inherit a better world in which we can all live together with a sustainable way.